Shenmue 1: Diary 1

The Family Phone Book

With the impending release of Shenmue 3 (Nov. 19 2019) ive decided its time to revisit the notable series of games to get myself back in to F.R.E.E. Shape (Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment) . I still own my copy of Shenmue 1 for Dreamcast (VMU save file completed in August of 2003) and that is the version ive decided to play. There seems to be quite a few small issues with the remasters that had come out, plus there was some product brands that had to be removed (Timex) so I figured I may as well just stick with how its was originally released since I have the equipment to play it and im perfectly fine with its presentation. My plan for Shenmue 2 is to attempt to rip a copy of the European Dreamcast release and transfer my VMU save over — when I played Shenmue 2 before I had done so via the Original Xbox release, which was fine, but id like to do it in this more initial manner. These Diarys won’t be a complete recap of all the action, just things that stick out to me.

Gotta know which way the wind blows

Here We Go: Oh, whoops, not so fast! Seems my Disc 1 won’t load! Just sticks at the first loading screen and stops dead. After an initial panic that my dreamcast has dropped-dead, I did some research in nearly 20 year old forums that this is a known issues with the Discs initial printings of the game. I dont recall this happening at all when I played it originally, but no matter what I do (nor which Dreamcast I try) will the original disc load. Everyone 20 years ago says burn a copy and it should be fine. They were right! Burned copy loaded right up and I am on my way!

On My Way: Right off the bat I have a warm feeling come over me, the introductory cut-scene really sets the stage for the sort of soap opera drama the game is going to be conveying. Once I am in control of Ryo I immediately open every single drawer and cabinet in the house and take every single picture off the walls. I zoom in on every minuscule detail and am charmed by how many unimportant objects were recreated in this game just to shove it into a drawer because thats simply what would be in the drawer! Its not lost on me that this sort of thing has probably been done several times over now in modern gaming, but ive not really kept up with a lot of the now surely classic Free Roaming style Sand Box games that came out (specifically the Yakuza games). So this kind of thing is still working me over just as it did when the game came out originally, when it equally impressed people and made people go “Big deal, you can look at kleenex boxes”. I should probably leave the Hazuki residence….

Funny Bear Burger(s)

Taking it to the Streets: I can’t imagine playing this game without the English voice actors. I know there is “undubbed” versions you can get and you can change it to Japanese voices in the Remasters, but there is no way I would do that. So much of these games charm comes from the voice actors. It does make the game less realistic but it adds a lot to a sort of altered reality vibe that, for me, plays well against how realistic the game is attempting be in other areas. My first interaction with a random person on the street was a man sitting in the dirt, drunk, staring at a brick wall. His only concern was how strange it was that Ryo was attempting to investigate his fathers death at 9:30pm at night. Fair enough.

Sweet Jet Ski poster found in several Restaurants

Tobacco shops and Jazz Bars: Im not sure I know of another game where small business owners are so integral as they are in Shenmue. Pretty much everything you’re trying to do until you get to the harbor is based on what dirt and gossip all the small business owners know in the area. They know who can translate a letter for you, they can remember what they saw “on the day the snow turned to rain”, and they certainly know where to find Sailors. Every time you gain access to another business its a real treat because you never know what you’ll find. Some are real eager to see you like the guy at the Motorcycle shop, others forget who you are even though youve bought them SEVERAL Sodas from the vending machine when they didnt have any change like the chefs adult son at the Chinese Restaurant. But whatever, ive got to find Warehouse #8.

My favorite note so far in Ryos Memo Pad

Sea Breeze: At this point in my play im on Disc 2 and have taken the Bus down to the harbor. Im starting to get into more fist fights, sneaking into buildings like its Metal Gear Solid, etc. Its getting more video-gamey with each passing day. Which is nice because the Harbor is lacking a lot of the social-flare of the city and neighbor hoods. Lots of people that have ZERO interest in talking to some random 18 year old with a band-aid on his face. Ive made some key progress in the games story, witnessed a Golem-like creeper guy watching me from a rooftop, and I think sooner rather than later ill be hopping into a forklift and earning a days pay. Oh, and the small stray kitten ive been feeding dried fish and squid legs to has climbed out of its cardboard box! Its all very exciting!

Say no more.

Yoot Tower

Yoot Tower Hawaii Hotel

A representation of my modest Hawaiian Yoot Tower.

I’m not sure if I have ever seen a Hawaiian hotel feature a ocean facing billboard for aquarium simulation software before (Aquazone); but thats the exact fantasy you can live out in Yoot Tower! The 1998 Sega published sequel to SimTower from director Yoot Saito. The goal is to build as big of a retail/hotel/apartment tower as you can while keeping everyone happy and maybe toss a little flair into the works. The flair is whats going to stand out to anyone wondering why they should give this 20 year old title a chance. I am sure many other Sim/Design games have come along with far better quality of life options and customization, but no others are going to have the quirks and charm that Yoot Saito brings to the table. He’s got a proven track record at this sort of thing; show me a luggage sorting simulator that is more charming than his 2012 3DS release Aero Porter! Don’t get me wrong, the Maxis titles in the 90s were certainly charming, thats why I assume Yoots initial “The Tower” grabbed their attention to fold it into their Sim line. I’ve never played the initial SimTower title, but my internet research has made me believe that Yoot Tower improves on SimTower – still features all the strengths, fixes a few weaknesses, and maintains a bit of the obtuse and confusing economics of the game. My lack of instruction manual made it a bit of a challenge to understand how to accomplish a lot of the basic initial goals, but with some research and some time to fail and experiment i’ve begun to get a hang of things and have my visitors saying aloud “I hope to get the Potato” or “I have a lower back pain”

Above is an illustration of my modest Hawaiian hotel. Its got a few floors of twin rooms, a few suites, and some condos for sale on the top floor. There is a burger restaurant in the basement. Its turning a profit. Plus, as mentioned above, a nice big billboard for the real life software “Aquazone: Desktop Life” on the outside of the building to get some exposure to anyone buzzing by on their Sea-Doo. Why bother with the real thing below the waves when you can go inside and load up “Aquazone 2: Deluxe with Guppies!” Err, wait, no — thats from the OTHER series of series of aquarium simulation software called Aquazone, not OPeNBook9003’s (developer of Yoot Tower) series of aquarium simulators. Ive gotten myself distracted! Lets get back to Yoot Tower, here is an inside view of my hotel:

The empty concrete corridors were left as such to ensure no ones view could be blocked by the Aquazone billboard outside. And yes, there is a dolphin in the lagoon.

Yoot Tower holds up quite well in 2019, it has a lot going for it if you can allow yourself some of the learning curve. Plus, this 1998 Windows 95 game still works (mostly) perfectly fine in Windows 10! I did read some people having issues with save files getting corrupted in Windows Vista/7, but mine have loaded with no issues in Windows 10. There is some graphical issues with the daylight transitions, but that is not too distracting. Its an extremely relaxing a charming title, and you can just let it run in the backround — maybe a V.I.P. will show up to honor your efforts!

PRO TIP: Use CRTL+SHIFT+ALT+D to get a huge “Debug Bonus!!” of $500 million dollars to give you all the leeway you want. However, it does seem to be a legit Debug Mode because all of the visitors comments change to what their programmed route and goal is, rather than the usual fun phrases like “Run or miss the bus”, but it seems to revert to standard speech when you load the save.